Ideas that come about.


Some times themes happen by accident. I was actually trying to come up with a concept for a new project I was working on and low and behold this came about. I had something else in mine for the original because the colors where a lot “harder” then the soft color tones in this one. I never throw away a good idea, so you shouldnt either. Keep everything even when you don’t THINK its good. This idea is the start of a very creative endeavor; you’ll see ;)

Inspiration: Vanity


When you’re creative (like me) it’s sometimes hard to organize your thoughts. It helps to just start with a simple idea, then gather images that help you kind of bring your idea into reality. The image above is my image board. I won’t disclose what it’s for right now, but I will be done with what I’m working on soon. This collage I call “Vanity”. It’s the focus for what I’m working on. When I introduce the finished product. You will be able to see how it correlates.

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