Merry Christmas from Quirky Bombshell!!!!

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to all of my followers and YouTube subscribers! Going forward, I’d just like to say that I intend to really work on bringing my ideas to life! I want to really put my best food forward. I have: Fashion tips, Fashion Methods, Philosophy, books, books…. ok I said that twice, and of course vids! I have a “consistency” plan in place just to make sure Im giving my audience what they need when they need it! lol ;) so to all a great up coming year full of fashion, love, and quirkiness……MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

As a Designer Be Fluid…


As a designer be fluid… not liquid, but versatile. I felt it was necessary to share that though since so many people feel the need to be one dimensional. Human beings are incredible multi-talented. What I’ve realized is that although I am an excellent fashion writer, that doesn’t mean that the only thing I’m excellent at doing. Ok, I’m a writer whose focus is fashion; that means that although my specialty is fashion, that doesn’t mean I can’t write about other subjects as well. I urge anyone who is creative to expand and reach outside of their comfort zone.  Why limit yourself? I love writing about fashion, but I also write about interior design as well. I tend to excel at my favorite subject, but maybe since I mastered fashion, I should also master something else design related. I make an effort to understand fully everything fashion industry oriented. As alumni of my school, I feel fortunate to have a library especially fashion focused. I practically live there… no not really, but I’m always reading and researching because I strive to be the best I can at what I do. So the moral of this post is… I love fashion, so I study and keep up with it every day in some form. Now, you should love ______(blank) and strive to be the best at ______(blank) everyday.  These are thought filled post, but I also have fashion styling, wardrobe organization, vids, and post coming. Sit tight.  Oh, and since I don’t feel comfortable using images that are not mind, I will try to sketch….maybe, or use pics from my hello kitty coloring books…yes I said it and I’m proud! ok, later on fashion, and my Hello kitty addiction in future post… bye! ;)

Lost & Found Design?

l&F Decor2

There’s a concept of interior design, or a decorating style referred to as Lost & Found. Its Decor using unexpected objects; for example things that are just randomly placed. There is a similar concept in fashion…its called street style! Both styling methods happen to be my favorite. I love it because it forces you to be creative, rather than mirroring a look. Goodwill and thrift stores are the perfect places to go for decorating or dressing lost and found-ish. If you’re ever trying to find you own personal style, never start in a store, instead start with your surroundings at home. Really take note of everything that makes your home a home, then you’ll get an idea of what kind of clothes suit your real style. Maybe you like African patterns, or what if you love the nautical theme. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t suggest you dress like a sailor, but instead look at the nautical theme and try to pinpoint exactly what you like about it. Is it the colors, the fabric textures, or mood? For me; I love bold color mixed with a nice neutral tone. I have an affliction for items that have a unique look or personality to it. For example. recently I bought a centerpiece for my table. It’s a porcelain horse with black and white spots on the coat. For some reason I had to buy it; only 2 bucks too! Then I found these table place mats or napkins that have a quirky design to it. I just couldn’t pass those up either… I’m addicted to Goodwill ok? Thrift stores in general excite me. I will definitely post my finds and I will inform you when I do, but for right now I urge you to do some fashion soul searching for yourself. Really look at your home interior and assess how it relates to your personal style. Or… how your style can reflect in your home interior, it might surprise you.

Rustic Vintage Home inspiration…


Trend Boards; My favorite past time, aside from writing of course. This mood board in particular is for a project I did for an interior  home goods company. It was created in order to brainstorm about rug designs.  Organizing your thoughts in this way,  and using this method, is the most fun. The very act of gathering information in order to create a mood board gives almost all the senses a rush. First you gather the imagery, then you recognize the colors they have in common. After you create you color palette you should then get a feel for what you see and grab from pop culture or social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram(don’t use pics without permission unless as an educational tool).  After positioning the finds in an attractive way, Voila! a Mood Board is born! There is no set way to do these boards, but one thing is for sure, they have to be easy to understand and visually motivating.  As a fashion writer, I’m able to write about clothing without even physically holding it. I understand fabric, and have become very familiar with various textures and intricate details. The key to writing about fashion is to not just use your eyes, but all of your senses, if possible and write with passion. It helps to really love what you’re writing about too.  This project I did for rug design gave me the opportunity  to write about another creative medium…Interior design. Fashion and Interior Design in my opinion go hand in hand. I strongly believe that if you can design a clothing collection, you could probably design the interior of a room too. Can I write about interior design?….I’m the Quirky Bombshell, I most certainly can… And will!

Thanks for reading….  ;P

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