The Issue of Digital vs Print…



The conflicting opinions on the subject of digital vs. print has already hit the fashion industry. WILL DIGITAL MAGAZINES REPLACE PRINT MAGAZINES? hmmm? I use to think that I was one of those fuddy duddy stick in the mud people that refused to get with the times (since I LOVE print mags). But honestly, I have to admit that I’m becoming more in love with the digital versions of my favorite magazines. The convenience of having the latest issue available anywhere I go is just so comforting. If I’m working around the computer; in just one click, my magazine is there. If I’m out and about and need a reference for the latest fashion trends; I have my Elle magazine (which is my favorite) on my phone and ready to go! And lets not forget the extras; extended photo-shoots and even extra editorials are available exclusively for some digital prints. I get a lot more from digital magazines… so why do I still love print magazines?

Could it be due to my era? My generation didn’t grow up with i-phones or Google play shopping. Maybe a part of me is still nostalgic. I still remember my first magazine. It was a Teen Magazine from like the early 1990’s. I even remember what trends were in; bright colored tops with khaki skirts. I remember flipping through the pages and smelling the herbal essence shampoo samples. Holding the actual magazine, and flipping through the pages was my favorite past time. I loved the feeling the PRINT magazines gave me. Something about the word feel; to experience something. Paper magazines were part of my first fashion experience, so I can’t just throw it away forever…or replace it. I’m just staying true to my roots, which is why the paper magazine stands are still surviving today. Too many people refuse to deny their roots. People still want to FEEL something real. I’ve seen how technology has helped us but hindered us at the same time. You see friends having dinner and not speak a word to one another, just steady focusing on their phones. Then you find that you can’t go a day without checking the status of some kind of social media platform. Its like technology is slowly canceling the real HUMAN connection. But that’s only if we let it. I choose not to choose. I want them both. I don’t think Digital will ever completely phase out print… there’s too many fuddy duddys out there. ;)



Fall Style Inspiration…

Untitled #130
Just another Quirky Bombshell Styling gem based on the seasons latest trends. #1 is the classic beanie with a cute puff ball at the top. The puff can be yarn or fur. Faux Fur is trending with coats and accessories; that’s why #2 is my shoe of choice. Fendi is extremely quirky this season with it’s cute monster theme. That burgundy shade is ultra popular, so I chose that lovely leather bag which is also from the Fendi line #6. That color just represents the fall so well. Tartan fabric is trending, but I decided to go outside the classic red, white, and black. #3 is tartan fabric but with a different color palette. The Shawl poncho, is popular due to it’s quick go to styling appeal. Cable knit sweaters are a Fall necessity, so get one in a wine color or warm yellow tone. #4 is the perfect cable knit sweater, the shade looks good with anything especially leather. Finally we arrive at #5. Everyone has blue denim in their closets, but gray denim is all the rage for Fall. Fitted gray denim is a must; it too can be combined with anything. You can wear them in tall boots, or under a cocoon knitted dress. So whats MY favorite? The boots of course!


Fashion is the oldest religion…

Why do people deny how important clothing is in society. O.k. maybe YOU don’t think it’s a big deal, but when you consider how far back the history of dress goes, you start to understand that to deny our fashion roots is to deny the very fabric (literally) of society and the threads in it that unit us all. Fashion was taken more seriously back then because it was a tool to identify people of social class and position. The less you wore, the less you mattered unfortunately. Back in the early 1800’s women would wear clothing that restricted comfortable movement and even breathing just so they could look like decent arm candy beside their husbands. Meanwhile there husbands were opting to go out and have sexual relations with prostitutes…and do you know why? Because prostitutes took less time to undress. Yes, their wives wore at least 8 layers of underwear, (and REQUIRED help putting it all on) and THEN their real clothes would go on. Do you see the irony of it all. These women, the rich socialite women, wore all those clothes and walked around like they were better than everyone else when in reality, even their own husbands understood that less is more. You can buy all the flashy fashion in the world, but what it comes down to is you’re no more important than the next person wearing rags; when you consider the essentials in life.

Are we fashion victims or masters? See, that is the questions. Do we aspire to be icons, or just conned? I for one choose to be in control. I was once someone who stressed about wearing the latest this and the most popular that, until I started working in the fashion industry and realized that aside from being creative expression, it was also a money game. Vogue is one of the…wait THE most popular magazine on newsstands (and tablets) to date. But honestly If I were to tear out all of the ads set throughout the magazine, you wouldn’t even be left with half decent content. What makes Vogue so amazing is not so much the advertisement, but the strength you as the reader, put into it. YOU give it value. IF the world gave the same amount of attention to… LUCKY, then THAT magazine would soon grow thick as a phone book and be at the front of 90% of the homes in America, UK, Japan, Australia, or wherever. Anna Wintour has a great understanding of the business of Fashion. She has managed to pull certain publications out of the sink hole, and it’s because she understands the BUSINESS of fashion. Anna Dello Russo is my favorite fashion editor because she understands the ART of fashion. So many people struggle with getting to the level they want in fashion because they haven’t come to terms with the fact that you have to be and artist AND a salesman. No matter what fashion field you go into, you must be both! Thats all.

Popular KEY Items for October 2014…

Popular Key Items October 001

Popular Key Items for October 001



There are a couple of patterns that I’ve observed to be rising slowly but surly up the fashion top 10 must have list for the season. I’ve mentioned before that the grid pattern designs will be trending. I saw a lot of it for spring 2015, not so much Fall 2014. Still, I don’t care, I’ve seen the grid pattern in menswear and fitted dresses for women as of late. Trench coats with the grid pattern are hard to come by, but if you see it please snatch one for me too…(kidding). Also The grid pattern is monochromatic, but I love a little color here and there. For winter you’ll see more black and white, but spring/summer 2015, there will be grid patterns in a variety of colors combined with floral mosaic prints. Also checker print blouses seem to be popping up everywhere. Styling them is easy, it’s all about what fabric designs you combine them with. Denim is the go to, but don’t be afraid to coordinate checker patterns with some kind of conversational print. Polk-a-dots are pretty popular now a days, but in small dainty patterns. Skirts and dresses look better with the bigger Polk-a-Dots but beware of looking too 1950’s kitsch. According to fashion trend forecasters, sequin is the new Polk-a-dots, but that’s completely up to the wearer.  Stripes will definitely be a hot commodity. Chopped stripped patterns, swirled stripes, and just any manipulated stripes will be popular for fall and spring. A lot of these trends are trans-seasonal which is great! Then Finally conversational prints (which are my favs) will have their moment in the spotlight again this fall. Cartoons, birds, cars, cats; you name it, as long as it’s on fabric your good to go *lol*.  That’s it for now. These Key items are versatile and will last through the season, so have fun with them. :)

Editors Letter: October 2014

I welcome Fall and Winter. I never thought I’d ever say those words in earnest but yep, I said it! All throughout summer I praised the heat and the fashion that hit the street. Now I welcome fall & winter with the same warmth and positive gusto (fashion wise of course). I no longer fear the dropping temperatures, because no matter what, I have the latest styles to keep me warm. For once sweaters are not that complicated to me. Cropped Dolman sweaters with curved shoulders, low v-cut backs, and short waists are trending in neutral peppered tones. Interestingly enough, features that are not appealing for winter clothing are now popular. For example, remember those little fuzzy balls of fluff that popped up on worn sweaters that you’d instantly pick off? Well that look is trending, but in pastel colors and soft grays. The Cocoon knitted dress is my favorite trend so far. It’s so quick for days were you have to get up and go. Just throw on some leggings, a scarf, earrings,  and a hat, then you’re good to go!

The loose and large look is trending with tunics; wrap coats, and thick cable knit sweaters are high in demand. Those 70’s inspired sweater vests are also hitting the scene, and are being layered over cotton buttoned down shirts in white or light color tones. In the juniors market you’ll find lots of grunge inspired looks in classic tartan plaid fabric with black leather. Block statement shirts with creative quotes will definitely be a hot commodity, mainly because of it’s versatile styling approach and instant youthful appeal.

I do want to talk more about the statement  shirts and how for some reason they resonate such a vibrant energy in the fashion industry right now. This generation wants fashion to be more literal. The consumer wants more expression as well as individualism. This task will be difficult for the buyers since they cater to a mass market. Really it’s all about offering more individual exclusivity. Meaning providing less of a certain item and more of a  variety of looks. For example; only stock maybe 4 of a certain dress, but provide consumers with 14 designs to choose from. Store mannequins need to showcase versatility rather than just product. The consumer KNOWS that they don’t have to settle for…well…anything really. They understand the the world wide web can provide them with anything the brick and mortar can’t. Boutiques and Mall stores need to focus on giving the consumer MORE. But what exactly is MORE? Thank God people still love to shop. They want some reality, and need to feel and touch the clothing. So the focus should be on giving shoppers a unique experience.  Tablets are becoming more and more affordable, gas is still a little high, and people who once dreamed of having their own boutique can do so now by calling a web host and setting it up for under $2o dollars a month. So yeah, competition in retail is steep. The web is getting more accessible to people too. As someone writing from both ends of the table, it’ll be interesting to see how retailers and designers will satisfy the new age consumer. 2014 and 15 will be a very interesting year in fashion! I’m excited :D

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