Wonderful Day 😃!

Alright, nothing fashion related right now. Just having a wonderful day and hoping you all are too. 😋 Oh also, now that my schedule is a bit more organized for the new year, I will try to post at least three times a week. It could be fashion related, or just something related to a project I’m pursuing.

The countdown…

So… What countdown am I referring to? Well this is my birthday month, and this birthday will be a milestone for me. I’ll be 40. I thought I would feel different; I don’t. I feel the exact same as I did for every birthday; regular. Am I happy? I can honestly say I am. I feel more empowered then ever before. Wait… I can say this; I’ve changed in reference to appearance. I’ve decided to upgrade my clothing quality, but that’s it. I’m still quirky bombshell. I’ve grown spiritually too… definitely. I got to step back and reflect on my life, and see certain habits that I need to stop or start for the betterment of my future. I’m finishing book manuscripts, and set to move to a new state this summer. So yeah, exciting times.

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