FBS: Post 2-Publishin’… 👩🏾‍💻📚🤯

This is the second installment of my First Book Survival guide (I’m only doing 3). I have officially maxed out my concentration. This post idea came to me for a couple of reasons. With all the anxiety out there; I figured part 2 should be about publishing…because as a writer and book author, this is something that needs to be addressed. There’s always a fear that comes with being self-published. One of them is releasing a book with the right timing. In post 1 I revealed my methods for editing. Now all that’s left is to let the world see the book and get rave reviews…easier said than done. This is something that I learned the hard way. For my first book, I was too shy to tell anyone about it let alone publish it. Then when I finally gained the courage to do so; I didn’t do it effectively. I just released it in a if you print it they will come sort of way. That was a big mistake, BUT a necessary one. Had that not happened to me, I wouldn’t have known what to do for my second book set to be released. This time around, I’m taking my time, and organizing a proper book launch. This is how you do it: 

First: Take it easyDon’t rush your book just because you’re tired of editing, and looking at it over and over again. Don’t get frustrated and publish it because you’ve been talking about it too long. And finally, don’t…I repeat…DO NOT use the Pre-Order feature on Amazon Kindle if the book isn’t finished. I made that mistake, but luckily my privileges weren’t revoked. (With KDP direct; if you cancel a Pre-order on your book, you won’t be able to use the setting for a year!) Complete your book entirely before even thinking of using that. Also, that feature shouldn’t really be used if you don’t have a demand for the book…so just chill.

Second: Plan a build up– There are things you can do to inspire a great anticipation for your release. You can launch it on a small scale at your local coffee spot, or you can even due a virtual launch. You should definitely talk about your book before releasing it. Go on podcasts, and spread the word via mini promotions, and media sources.

Third: Follow through– Once you set a date, please follow through. Don’t cancel. Finish your book, plan the build up, then publish or launch the book. Depending on your projected date; that is when you should plan out your promotion schedule leading up to that day. Talk about it, up until the day, then talk about it some more!

That’s all I have to say about that. Currently, I’m in the final editing stages of my second book. I decided to follow my own advice here based on the mistakes I made with my first one. Fortunately you won’t have to suffer the same consequences I did. That is my gift to y’all 😘 Good Luck.

Author Anxiety…😳😤🧘🏿‍♀️

What I struggle with the most (and of course I’m not alone). It’s mainly contributed to criticism and pressures that arise regarding the end product: your book. When writing, don’t let the voice inside your head (that inspires fear) cause you to not release your book. As a self-published author, I had to come to terms with a lot of things; not just in reference to my book, but within me personally. I’ve had to develop discipline in the mind and push past insecurities. It’s still a battle, but day by day I push through. As a freelance fashion writer, I’ve been exposed to being critiqued fairly and unfairly. I don’t know why as an author, I’m so self-conscious. I’m writing this post because maybe someone out there, is struggling with that too? You don’t even have to be an author or writer; this goes for all creatives. Word of advice:


Yes. As I writer, when anxiety hits it’s usually due to me trying to do things as close to perfect as possible, but by what standard? When I started breaking rules; I was set free. How to do this, when to do that, what chapter supposed to have this; and on and on. I stopped all that and started doing me! I mean, sure I follow basic rules as best as possible because that’s what people are use to when reading, but in terms of style; I’ve found my own. As an author, you must develop your own unique writing style. Write and do whatever you want in your book… just so long as you’re consistent throughout. Bypass dated methods of writing and introduce something new to your readers. Play with certain methods of punctuation, and manipulate traditional styles to create a world in your books that are all your own. The written word is your medium, and like an artist creates art using paints in unconventional ways, then so should you. Look anxiety in the eye and laugh! Focus on getting your message out, or rather, what idea you’re trying to express.

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