Is Knowlege Power?

Untitled #78

Since when did you have to know what you were doing to be respected in fashion? What I find is lots of very well versed or even educated individuals who specialize in fashion in any aspect really get no shine. Why is it that the people who get recognized for being fashionable are really a 3rd party? For example, when you see an “it” girl wearing the latest looks everyone focused solely on them and not the real artist… the stylist. Granted, not everyone is going to be considered fashionable, some people just have better things to do with their time (whatever), but honestly pretty faces and vapid hype seem to rule this industry and it’s downright frustrating. There are many designers who have manage to get the respect they deserved because of their work, but some people who consider themselves experts or “guru’s” just vulgarize fashion and make it look more vapid than it really is.

Fashion is an art, its creativity and that takes talent! Why is it that some people feel they are experts in a field because a bunch of people who don’t know anything about the subject themselves deem them worthy. I have seen a lot of YouTube guru’s who are very popular, claim to know fashion, but their videos are train wrecks! Just admit it people, you don’t really care about knowledge, as long as the person talks a good game or looks pretty, you could care less about their back ground. It’s an ugly reality. We have arrived at the age where expertise is all topical. It’s a shame. It’s like people would rather be entertained and purposefully deluded than enriched with knowledge.  This is not just with fashion; almost every industry has that person who just floats by on a whim because of their looks or their talk. I hope that more people are able to discern real talent or informative people from the ones that just rely heavily on popularity.

I pray for a more aware fashion enthusiast… a YouTube break maybe? I don’t know, maybe I should give it a try? Could it be that the reason so many people rely on people who don’t know what they’re doing is because they don’t have other options… Nah. Let’s see if I can spit some knowledge… video style, because it’s long overdue.


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One Comment

  1. Jon jon 411

    Love it and look forward to your videos!

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