How many No’s Can Break You?


Hello again readers,

As a creative individual, the word “NO” is something I’ve heard more times than I care to admit.  I’ve had my share of rejections and disappointments, but for some reason the word “NO” ignites my passion. When someone tells me NO I work even harder. I figured that NO could mean anything. It could mean “I personally don’t like you and that’s why I think you’re not worthy” or, “You just aren’t ready yet, but come back when you are”, or maybe it means, “I am much too threatened by your talent, and I just can’t afford to be shown up by you”. What’s your definition of the word “No”? Does your no mean “I don’t like you or what you’ve done so quit while your ahead and fade away” or could it mean “I said NO and that’s my loss, now someone else is going to get the honor of working with you”? I hope you choose the ladder.

I urge everyone to change the way they feel about the word NO. When it comes to your career and talents, always remember that millions of NOs is fine. One YES is worth all the struggle and it’s all you need! I can’t stress this enough; the only reason people’s dreams don’t come true is because they stop trying. No matter the highs and lows, push on! Let yourself experience the effort it takes to get to your goal. Don’t think about the time, and don’t get distracted by things that would take you away from your goal. Make sure whatever you do is for the sake of your dream. No matter what, you have to see the silver lining, and trust me there’s ALWAYS a silver lining. The old saying is true about when a door closes; a window opens. If someone was to ask me how many NOs it would take to break me, I’d say none! But how many no’s can MAKE me, I’d say tons :) Yay for NO’s, they bring you closer to Yes!

Let me know what you think by commenting below ;)

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