Fashion is the oldest religion…

Why do people deny how important clothing is in society. O.k. maybe YOU don’t think it’s a big deal, but when you consider how far back the history of dress goes, you start to understand that to deny our fashion roots is to deny the very fabric (literally) of society and the threads in it that unit us all. Fashion was taken more seriously back then because it was a tool to identify people of social class and position. The less you wore, the less you mattered unfortunately. Back in the early 1800’s women would wear clothing that restricted comfortable movement and even breathing just so they could look like decent arm candy beside their husbands. Meanwhile there husbands were opting to go out and have sexual relations with prostitutes…and do you know why? Because prostitutes took less time to undress. Yes, their wives wore at least 8 layers of underwear, (and REQUIRED help putting it all on) and THEN their real clothes would go on. Do you see the irony of it all. These women, the rich socialite women, wore all those clothes and walked around like they were better than everyone else when in reality, even their own husbands understood that less is more. You can buy all the flashy fashion in the world, but what it comes down to is you’re no more important than the next person wearing rags; when you consider the essentials in life.

Are we fashion victims or masters? See, that is the questions. Do we aspire to be icons, or just conned? I for one choose to be in control. I was once someone who stressed about wearing the latest this and the most popular that, until I started working in the fashion industry and realized that aside from being creative expression, it was also a money game. Vogue is one of the…wait THE most popular magazine on newsstands (and tablets) to date. But honestly If I were to tear out all of the ads set throughout the magazine, you wouldn’t even be left with half decent content. What makes Vogue so amazing is not so much the advertisement, but the strength you as the reader, put into it. YOU give it value. IF the world gave the same amount of attention to… LUCKY, then THAT magazine would soon grow thick as a phone book and be at the front of 90% of the homes in America, UK, Japan, Australia, or wherever. Anna Wintour has a great understanding of the business of Fashion. She has managed to pull certain publications out of the sink hole, and it’s because she understands the BUSINESS of fashion. Anna Dello Russo is my favorite fashion editor because she understands the ART of fashion. So many people struggle with getting to the level they want in fashion because they haven’t come to terms with the fact that you have to be and artist AND a salesman. No matter what fashion field you go into, you must be both! Thats all.

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