Back to white…


Ah white,

It’s a color that a lot of people shy away from because it’s so hard to maintain. I own a white suit and I love it! I have to agree though, the color is extremely hard to keep clean. It doesn’t matter how careful you are, some how there is a dirt spot or line on the sleeve, or the seam. Yes, it’s frustrating, but this color definitely makes a person stand out. I once was going to wear a white suit to an interview but chickend out. I talked to my career adviser about it and she said it’s definitely do-able, but I couldn’t miss a beat. She said that everything had to be on point; hair, nails, makeup you name it…must be perfect.  And that’s why I didn’t wear it. White gives the illusion of perfection. At the time, I couldn’t handle the pressure, but now that I’m older, wearing all white is not so stressful. Never fear white clothing! Don’t walk like the tin-man when wearing white, and don’t feel that any flaw you have will be highlighted. Instead embrace the challenge! Step up to the plate and wear white with no fear. I believe in you ;)

Neutrals and the past….


The whole look and feel of this resonates with the season. I really love the rose pink, and I don’t care what anyone says, pink can definitely be incorporated into the neutrals category! Let me clarify; ROSE PINK IS A NEUTRAL TONE! I say this because this subtle color seems almost as if it’s on it’s way to brown. It looks amazing with gold accessories…delicate rose gold. See? Even the metals have a hint on warmth to it. There’s something absolutely sleek about neutral tones. Honestly I don’t suggest them for a younger target market though, not unless it’s combined with a bold color. As you can see, the model is young, but these colors kind of age her. The photo shoot looks 70’s-ish, it’s obviously the theme, but regardless the model looks way older than she is. Damn…I’m a bad-ass when it comes to fashion. Just wait till you see MY photo shoots. I will definitely be using neutral tones.

Neutral Accessories…


And so as promised I’m discussing neutral accessories. I decided to post this shoe and bag combo. As you can see it’s a nice creamy white shade. The beauty of having accessories in this color is the fact that seasonally, the versatility aspect is limitless! There is no outfit this combo would not compliment. Whats nice is the more vibrant the outfit the more pronounce the accessories are… if they’re neutral toned of course. Going forward; if you are ever hesitant about purchasing accessories, then the go to is neutral. I can show a great style example collage so stay posted.

Editors Letter: September 2014

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So? Whats on for this month on Quirky
NEUTRALS BABY! Yes, Recently I’ve been absolutely enthralled by stones and gems. I collect them, and not just for their beauty, but their mystic as well. They come in all different colors, but most of the time they are either a rich earth tone, or a lovely soft pastel. Since summer is almost over, and some stores are already showing their fall wears, I’ve decided to make September all about the fall looks that incorporate neutral tones! Shoes, bags, clothing, make-up etc. I have to be honest I was never really fond of winter. Fall maybe o.k. but not winter; I hate the cold. But honestly I see whats in store for fall and I feel inspired. So with that said, I will definitely be trying to change my misconceptions of fall/winter. For QB online I will feature the rich textures of knit sweaters, and the soft feel of cashmere. I will still stay true to my love of patterns, so I will be posting pictures and also.*drum roll please*… I will be styling as well. Quirky Bombshell will also be a place where I show off my fashion styling techniques. There are so many amazing looks I have planned for the site. I will also be sharing my trendboards so keep reading and watching, since now any fashion show I attend I will be featured in video format on my facebook. So that’s it for now :D

Fashion sketches from my past….

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I’ve been going through my old fashion journals and found these sketches. Sketching is not my strong suit, but I found as I continued to do it, it became easier. There are all sorts of drawing styles in fashion. I hope one day that I discover my style and become the next Ruben Toledo…but then writing is my passion, so I can’t see how being a master illustrator would happen. It’s something that’s definitely possible though. The pictures above are from when I first started sketching. I didn’t take fashion sketching yet, and these took me so long to do! I made these in my spare time way back in the day, and put them in my personal journal. Of course I’ve taken fashion sketching and can now actually do a more polished rendition. Would you like me too? leave a comment and let me know if you want an “after” look for these “before” pics. ;)

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