Fashion Quality VS. Quantity….


This subject came to me while i was perusing the latest spring trends for 2014. Of course, when you flip through your favorite glossy magazine, you can’t help but see the usual ad for designer clothing which is probably completely out of the average persons budget. Yes, not everyone can easily spend $1,300.00 on a pair of shoes, or even $800.00, but should we or should we not aspire to such a goal? I remember a friend of mine telling me that a co-worker of hers loved Manolo Blahnik shoes. The designer was actually signing his shoes at Phipps Plaza one year, so her co-worker waited in line, got her brand new shoes signed, and was even featured in the paper.  I said “wow, she’s a real fan!” and my friend responded….”She’s a freakin’ idiot!”. I was appalled to say the least, so I asked her why she felt that way. I won’t write down everything she said, but to summarize; she thought her co-worker was an idiot because “who spends a thousand dollars on shoes”?! And that memory, my dear readers, is why i felt the urge to write about Quality vs Quantity in fashion. Let me explain;

First off, I would never put my same standard for spending on anyone. It’s not my place to tell you “oh, those shoes are over $500, so you shouldn’t buy it”. … seriously? One thing I’ve learned over the years is that balance, in all aspects of life, is the key to success. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BUYING A PURSE, SHOES, DRESS, OR WHATEVER CLOTHING FOR OVER $200! The designer items you buy will actually be worth something in the future. So yes, the Prada Spring 2014 jacket you bought is really expensive, but best believe you can pass that down to your daughter for generations to come. Unlike the Forever 21 coat you bought for 20 bucks (which after 2 washes disintegrated like tissue paper after the Macy’s day parade) the Prada jacket will last the test of time. Be a smart investor when it come to fashion; purchase investment pieces for staples like coats, shoes, dresses, jewelry, and bags. Fad pieces are what I consider clothing that is constant; jeans, blouses, pants, skirts, etc. Anna Dello Russo (Fashion Editor for Vogue Japan) once said “Fashion is my Alphabet”. Fashion is her communication, that’s why she wears designer clothing fresh off the runway and exactly the way it’s presented! She is my favorite fashion editor because I resonate with her point of view in fashion. Quality beats all; this article is a great example of why she feels that way. The article is from Instyle magazine British version.  My take is obvious, Quality will always win for me. Shop for the present AND the future!

Let Them EAT CAKE!!!


I can’t tell you how often people ask me questions about how to dress. What does that mean exactly? Dressing is easy…styling is not! I still have problems in that area myself. It’s all about knowing who you are really. When it comes to fashion, understanding who you are and knowing your voice is extremely important. It’ll help you when you’re shopping AND especially if you decide to hire a stylist. Now for my confession… Hi My Name is Neka a.k.a The Quirky Bombshell, and I don’t know what to wear. I have trouble dressing o.k.? I’m a fashion editor who has trouble finding what she wants to wear. I hate shopping at the mall; for some reason I get headaches when I do. I love the thrift store because I can “create works of art” so to speak, with clothing. I feel like I bring new life to fashion by creating my unique looks. My style has definitely developed over the years. The only thing I have a problem with is dealing with stupid people. Rude people who give their opinions when no one asks. I’ve seen people wear things that I don’t like, but never would I make rude remarks, tell THEM what looks good, or just be negative. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced trying to express themselves by looking the way they want, but then having to deal with ignorant folks. Maybe it’s a southern thing? I have friends who live in the south who don’t like what I wear so they give their criticism, but I just can’t help but to laugh. When I went to New York, so many people dressed with freedom and wore whatever they wanted. I love that City by the way….Literally love at first site. It’s the fashion capitol of America after all, but that’s not the only reason I love it. The people there are focused. They didn’t live there to play around, they wanna make Sh*t happen! They don’t have time to care about what anyone is wearing, so therefore you can wear what you want! No one cares, and that in a sense is freedom. Look, I don’t care what people think of me, but I don’t tolerate disrespect. I WILL defend myself, and that is something that I don’t feel I should have to do. This could be a part of why I feel discouraged to express my real fashionable self. It’s just a matter of me shrugging it off I guess. People can be so close minded in Atlanta. If you don’t look like every other black woman they’re use to you get ridiculed. It’s o.k. though… I have to set an example, so I WILL express my style and my passion the way I see fit! Whoever doesn’t like, understand, or agree with it…well… let them eat Cake! They can all eat shit I mean CAKE! ;)

Fashion Media Tools of the Trade…

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As a Fashion Editor, I feel it’s necessary to educate my readers and followers about the much needed “tools of the trade” in Fashion Journalism. These items are a must have in order to work comfortably in hectic situations, and not just in terms of fashion writing, but for all writers who are “on the go” and need quick access to clients as well as their own sites. I will give you the items then tell you why I suggest you have it… ;) So, lets get you started!


A Tablet:

I say tablet… definitely. The Tablet gives you the opportunity to take pictures as you take notes on a fashion show. I know first hand that time is of the essence. Some clients want you to report on a show within minutes of it’s end. I suggest you write down clear notes that pop in your head about the collection, so you can immediately write your article. Reviews and write ups should be submitted to the client no later than a day after the show. I personally think a day is too late, but then again, patients has never been a virtue of mine. I just make it a point to be the first with the latest.

A Touch Up Bag:

At most fashion shows, there will be invitations to receptions, luncheons, and even after parties. You might even stop for lunch between shows, so guess what? You will want to touch up your make-up and slick back any fly away hair. During fashion month, you will be walking into swarms of photographers and even people watchers, don’t get caught looking stale, pack a nice little make up satchel and put your touch up make up like foundation LIPSTICK, and perfume to keep you looking fresh.


A Photographer (Camera):

Yes, if you can, having a photographer is a must. I personally don’t do my own photos because I want to focus solely on writing, so I utilize the service of passionate professionals in photography. I know bloggers who take there own photos, but to me having someone do that for me is just better.

Updated Business Cards:

I’m aware that this is 2014 and everyone has a cell phone, but a card is something quick and convenient that will never go out of style no matter what technology comes out. Fumbling with your phone trying to type in a name on your contacts list while trying to find your way through the crowd to your seats is so irritating. Instead slip them a card, and fumble later.

A Big-Wide Bag:

Yeah, just a big lol bag; the bigger the better to carry your laptop, scarf, flat shoes, magazines, snacks, and anything else you can think of. Whatever you do, make it a quality bag. For some reason, your bag says a lot. I will either carry my leather quality bags or my Hello Kitty huge pink bag.


Please Please stay hydrated. At fashion shows there are so many lights, movement and networking. It is easy to feel like you’re running low on energy. Make sure you always have a bottle of water with you. I find myself feeling parched after shows and I know I’m not the only one.

That’s it so far. I will be traveling for fashion shows soon, so I will definitely post and update on this article based on preparing internationally.

Whats Hot on the Festival scene: Shorts!

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Personalized Shorts are currently the hot ticket for fun outdoorsy events this season. Well, they’ve always been the go to clothing item for summer because of their quick, cool, and sexy appeal. Instead of just slappin’ on some shorty shorts, why not add some flare to it? Add features like matching embroidery, patches, or fringe. I’m all about the creativity in fashion, so instead of buying new clothing, why not buy second hand pants for under $5.00 and cut those short? Also, going to the store and buying patches, lace, or applicable decals help elevate any casual look. Dip dying shorts with bleach and colors creating a gradient effect is creative and fun. Also, speaking of bleach, a technique called EXTREME BLEACHING is popular too; it’s basically when you bleach the denim until it it blanch white, and in different ways ( on the sides, from the leg, waist only, or one whole side). The FLAT-Front style is in too ( no zip or closure on the front, but on the side or back).  Then finally good old fashion print is in ( when you paint on flowers, polka dots or stripes. Oh I just remembered; messages written in black are cool too. I’m going to actually try some of these trends, and when I do, I’ll be sure to post some how to’s for ya ;)

Urban vs Couture fashion show Atlanta!

I had the pleasure of attending the Urban vs Couture Fashion Show brought to you by GATECITY MANAGEMENT in Atlanta Ga yesterday (April 19, 2014). There was so much to see and of course creative fashions to explore. There were also pop up shops with goodies and “body”‘ goodies too (accessories and clothes). I was sitting and typing but the show was about to begin. The audience was looking great and Traci from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta who was hosting looked great as well. One trend I’m noticing a lot is the crop top and skirt combo. Solid print or tribal pattern was seen on the runways and in the audience. There were theatrical openings, and a rapper performing during intermission. The end of the show featured the heavily couture segment, which unfortunately my tablet lost power, so I didn’t get the entire thing. I manage to take pics with my phone though and I will try to edit and post the best ones. All and all, I think it was an awesome show! I meant to post right after, but I got caught up at the after party. I’ll keep you posted on the next fashion show I will be attending . Also I will be posting my video footage on My YouTube channel, I will let you know when I do.







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