Daisy FAshion Trend….

Fast Fashion Trend; Daisy


This is one of my favorite trends for summer 2014; The Daisy Trend. It’s more frequently scene in Junior Wear or “fast fashion”. You’ll find items like these in stores…or you can get your hands dirty and create them yourself. You can make a clever little coin purse by buying the daisy fabric from a crafts store, or of course a fabric store, and attaching a clasp (also available at the craft store). The shorts are a simple project; with some daisy decals and thrifted denim jeans cut into shorts, you’ll be saving at least $30 or $50 dollars in your pocket.

The skirt and Crop Top Fashion Trend!

Get Creative!
This is the first of many trends I will be discussing, along with my own that I have predicted. For now lets divulge into what is THE CROP TOP AND SKIRT TREND! I’ve seen this trend translated into many forms. Some women wear a fitted skirt and top, others wear a more loose silhouette skirt; kinda 1960’s ish, then wear a crop top. lots of fun, that’s why I’m working on getting a flatter firmer tummy. Summer fashion in general makes you wanna hit the gym in a ridiculous way.

Collection Review: Chanel Fall Ready-to-Wear 2014/15

chanelshow2 channelshow

Chanel has always had a reputation for being classic, elegant, vintage, and especially iconic. For the fall season, Karl Lagerfeld is putting a modern twist to the classic silhouette of Chanel. The color palette was fun. I especially loved the manipulations with tweed, and the coats are absolutely stunning. A constant theme in fashion for 2014 was humor. Did anyone else notice the egg crate clutch? LOVED IT! For those of you read up on the history of Chanel, you know that Coco herself would probably be rolling in her grave if she saw this collection. I think she would find it vulgar. She was always very ladylike and traditional; she didn’t even like dresses showing knees.Thank goodness Karl Lagarfeld embraces change and welcomes the new, because the Fall/Winter collection for Chanel is a slam dunk! Individually, I think the pieces are very “wearable”. This collection gives the wearer lots of versatility in styling. It does have an 80’s essence to it, which makes ME nostalgic. Winter is my most dreaded season, but this collection makes me look forward to it. I love the Chanel grocery store theme too, and although I don’t think CoCo would approve the designs…I sure do! Great work Karl You’ve done it again!

Editors Letter: April Issue

Welcome April! Yes, I am very excited to welcome the new trends in fashion, beauty, and technology. April is a month where everything just blooms. People are in a better mood due to warmer temperatures, and fashion trends collected earlier in the year are more evident than ever. Of course, as an editor I keep up with all of the trends via forecasting books, so I get the first “sneak peak” of what’s to come. I was able to see what I thought would be popular fashion wise this season. I predict that pastel tones, ripped boyfriend jeans and two strap pumps are going to be the most prevalent in Atlanta. I enjoy reading about the trends, but seeing the public interpret them in their own style gives me a thrill. Women in the south have a modern sensibility; by day they dress sleek and smart for work, and by night they’re all stilettos and pomegranate martinis. Contrary to popular belief, southern women are experimental with fashion, it’s just that clothing has to have transitional versatility. Women want to get the most out of their clothing, because there just doesn’t seem to be enough closet space to spare.

Fashion month was an inspiration to many, and literally had the publishers and buyers drooling. My favorite collection for spring is Muccia Prada’s collection and Roberto Cavalli . The combination of Art and Fashion was completely chic yet street. Prada broke so many fashion rules; fur and light-weight wool coats for spring, bold bright tones, and underwear on outerwear. Roberto Cavalli spring collection was a blast from the past. I would wear every single piece; there were sexy silhouettes with sparkling details. His collection had excellent craftsmanship, which Italians are known for, and tons of 1930’s glam! Cavalli’s collection paid tribute to the 1930’s bombshell, and in my opinion spoke more of the essence than anything.

What you can expect from the Aprils issue of Quirky Bombshell is plenty of inspiration as well as content that can help you look at fashion in a more creative perspective. The fashion week themes were Art inspired with a dash of humor. This season don’t be afraid to break some rules. Yes, pastel color tones are trending for spring (they always are) but why not try something new? What does spring mean to you? For me, spring is the rain hitting charcoal colored paved streets. It’s the honeysuckles peeking through the silver fences along the streets of the neighborhoods I walk through. My spring color palette would be charcoal, white, orange, and green. The colors, shapes, and sounds all mean something special, so incorporate that in your style and make it work!

The month of April is filled with beautiful fashion and fun trends to try. Creativity is the key to awesome personal style! See you next issue :)

Just checking in…

Hello readers,
I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I will start posting fashion articles again beginning April 1st 2014, and no, this is no April fools day joke. I will be posting in a different format as well, but I actually want that to be a secret so just wait till next month. You won’t really see me posting this month. Not only do I have a lot more projects going on, but just my demand had been…well… more frequently requested. SOOooo I do apologize for the absents, but it is necessary for me to always deliver excellent quality, and ….keep my sanity because I’m too busy. Don’t you fret, the wait will be worth it. 
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