

So I was just sitting here and craving a bagel a yummy cream cheese Bagel. So what right? But just as easy as it is for me to get a bagel, it’s just as easy for me or you to achieve a dream. Sometimes we hold ourselves back by limiting our potential, but just as easy as it is to satisfy a “hunger” craving, it just as easy to reach your life craving. When you stop thinking of how hard everything is, clarity will come about and Voila! You can see the clear picture, which is definitely getting what you want in life. The sooner you come to that realization, the better off you’ll be. It’s as simple as shifting your thinking. As with anything, practice makes perfect. :)

Thank you

My fashion Skeletons…

colorful skull



You know, my deep desire is to school people on fashion in a non-superficial way, but honestly sometimes that’s just not possible. I enjoy writing in this style. The “I don’t care about grammer erroors like my journal” style. Sometimes I just wanna see pretty pictures, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I write about styling methods that can help make life easier in terms of styling and dressing. I’ve read some great content that puts fashion in a great philosophical perspective, but why is it that the collections for the season or the new trends in fabric seem to over power my need to be…intellectual about fashion. I’ve decided to make an effort and write posts that make you think about fashion in a different why. Keep up and get inspired. later!

Shoes for Thought…




No, I didn’t buy them! but I thought about it. I actually came to the realization that I could do without them. I’m still trying to remind my self that they’re too high, I really did the right thing though…I’m going back for them. The way I shop is like this: I scope the store out, and if I’m still thinking about it, (the item) then I go back for it. I don’t do impulsive shopping anymore. I ended up giving away a lot of stuff, it’s really a waste of money for me. Why do that to myself. I want all my money to go to me, when it comes to shopping of course. Next time you THINK you want to buy something, just try shopping the way I do and you’ll be surprised at how much time, energy and money you save. Now, I’m not gonna lie some things I just can’t pass up. Like my vintage Brooks Brothers corduroy plum red jacket… I wasn’t leaving without it. I consider it an investment piece because the quality is amazing and I’ve already worn it more than once. If the piece is one of a kind, quality and unique, then yeah purchase it, but if you know there is more than one then just think before you leap. That’s all.

Pink and Fashion!

Pink and Fashion



I’m writing constantly, and I’m creating something in my head, some idea; all the time. What inspires me is having folders, notebooks and pens in a style that I love. I look forward to writing even if it’s in a simple black old school notebook with the white lines, but why not make it your own style? The book in the picture is what I’m currently reading ‘Fashion Philosophy’ by Lars Svendsen. This book I’m excited about because it goes into detail about the overall philosophy of fashion. It will be interesting to see his take on it. I read books that speak of real issues in fashion and how it affect society. Of course I can’t forget my favorite fashion magazine…Elle! I love their trend reports; it’s accurate and easy to follow. I do miss Nina Garcia as the editor. I knew there was a reason why I started reading Marie Claire. I loved the way the magazine was directed, especially the covers. There are a couple of other magazines that I want to discuss too, but later. I just need a moment to organize the ideas in my head. OH, and don’t get too comfortable with this website layout I’m just waiting for inspiration to to come… just wait!


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Merry Christmas from Quirky Bombshell!!!!

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to all of my followers and YouTube subscribers! Going forward, I’d just like to say that I intend to really work on bringing my ideas to life! I want to really put my best food forward. I have: Fashion tips, Fashion Methods, Philosophy, books, books…. ok I said that twice, and of course vids! I have a “consistency” plan in place just to make sure Im giving my audience what they need when they need it! lol ;) so to all a great up coming year full of fashion, love, and quirkiness……MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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