Tie-dye and Tribal Textile Prints

The trend for indigo dyed fabric within the Chinese contemporary market has increased. The demand isn’t just local, for example retailers such as Free People and Urban outfitters feature tie-dye as well as tribal prints in their recent summer collections. Speaking of tribal prints, recently Free People was in the process of being sued by the Native American Association for using their prints without permission and inappropriately. Yes, they weren’t too happy about the fact that their sacred prints where being placed on underwear and socks. Fashion goes deeper than just appearance; when a persons heritage or culture is involved things can get serious.

Textiles can have deep rooted meaning, or just be “pretty”. I’d like to think you can do both. Experimenting is the key to unlocking your most creative inventions, especially in fashion. I suggest really looking up your own ancestral background. Maybe through research you’ll find a consistency or pattern through the years and invent your own tribal prints. Research colors and symbols that represent your family history and draw inspiration from your roots. I plan on incorporating tie-dye methods into my textile projects along with my own art.  Who knows? Maybe I’ll invent something new?


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Orange eat Purple Textile Pattern


This textile came to me in a dream. For the longest time I’ve been fighting a battle within me. I had a hard time focusing on doing one thing in the fashion industry. I loved everything about it, but there are a multitude of jobs you can do in fashion. I finally said to myself “find something to focus on that will allow you to be in fashion, but utilize your creativity in design”. Then for a week straight I started to dream of fabrics and textile design. The purple version above was a part of a dream I had where a woman was showing me different fabrics. I took these series of dreams as the answer to my questions about what area I would do the best in….Textile Design. I love to create, but designing clothing wasn’t my strongest suit. I don’t care much for the construction of clothing, but I’ve  always had a passion for fabric. I remember going to the fabric store with my mother as a child and getting lost in the different textures, colors, detailing etc. I knew I wanted to work in the fashion industry, but I found that I was good at more that one thing in it. What I’ve found with textile design is that ANYTHING GOES! No rules on what kind of designs should go on fabric, and the versatility in use is limitless. Anyway, I don’t want to write a long post, but trust me, more textiles to come. And I will go into more detail in another post or video. Thanks for reading.

Tiff Tiff Cat Cat Collection:1


Hello Folks ;)

This is one of the many digital designs for children  wear called TIFF TIFF CAT CAT. Now, don’t ask me how I came up with the name, it just came to me. For this design color was my focus. I love fun patterns and conversational prints. This cat is actually a lot more detailed with the eyes, you just can’t see it. The digital medium is something I’ve just started to experiment with, and I like it for some projects, but I see that I’ll be combining my drawings and digital work in order to create my unique patterns. As for this design…

I created a doodle in my sketch book and just started adding to it. I realized that when it comes to digital textile design patterns, I tend to want to keep it on the simplistic side. When I actually sketch designs, I love making patterns busy, but digital for me is mechanical. I just want clean, fun, and not too complicated when it comes to digital art. The whole cat theme to me is ultra feminine, so I had to show a pink and neutral tone. The bright almost neon green version is fun and can brighten up any situation. Whether it be your room as a pillow, a makeup bag, a dress, or whatever. If you like it, you decide. Let me know what you think by commenting below :)

80’s Fun Textile Design



This is the first of many textile designs that I will be featuring on my site. This design was inspired by a dream i had. I dreamt I had platform shoes on that had a swirly pattern with a green toned background that looked similar to this. I will be uploading a more pattern like picture, but for now you can enjoy this one. It is so 80’s but I love the bright color tones, and the stars are fun. The swirls and the pick background tie it off nicely. O.k that’s it for now :)

The Phone is the New Purse!

Or, tablet. Yes, I’m probably the only person on earth who doesn’t own a phone right now, but that’s going to change and not because I want to, but because I feel left behind. Fashion and shopping in general is becoming increasingly easier due to the whole “phone worshiping” movement. Malls in China already have phone technology that can even locate a person within any retail spot, and offer discounts for any given store at any time. Hong Kong malls have already adopted retail technological advances that gives consumers unique options. China has passed the United States in becoming the top country with the most i-phone and android mobile users. To accommodate the growing population of mobile savvy users, more upscale malls have popped up offering one-off shopping incentive deals and interactive entertainment to keep them inside the malls. (according to WGSN).

I’m starting to wonder  whether or not my purse will become a needed accessories.  Think about it for a second. Your money doesn’t need to be physical anymore;  not with Google wallet , PayPal,  and various apps that allow you to pay bills directly. We still need our bank  cards but something tells me that soon will go extinct as well. I was with my friends in New York and noticed at diner that two women at the table behind us where not talking to each other. They both where sitting across from one another “fiddling” with their phones for like a good hour. I pointed it out to my friends and they actually saw nothing wrong with it! Instead, they treated ME like I was weird and continued to poke fun at me for the remainder of the trip for noticing how technology is slowly diminishing our etiquette and even  ACTUAL communication with people. Oh, well, it’s inevitable, and that’s the sacrifice  for convenience… plus I was able to tune my friends out by listening to music on my tablet so yeah, TECHNOLOGY ROCKS!

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