Eclectic Spring!



Spring is a great time to express your personal street style. Wear all those wonderful Frou Frou colors and fabrics you love! Layering delicate fabrics and lace are trending heavily, but what are Street Style Icons doing this season? I can’t wait to see!  I can predict tons of vintage YSL dresses and Chanel Shades. Voluminous dresses are also trending, with vintage patterns in pastel tones. Open toe shoes with no backs are popular this season in pastel tones. Floral Prints are taken to different extremes this spring. There’s classic floral, then modern artistic renditions of it. Mixing and matching floral patterns can really create an interesting look.

I Hope that gives you street style icons some great ideas. As always follow your own “Trends” and let your spirit guide you to expressing your true fashion essence.

Comment below if you have any inspirations to share ;)

Street Fashion and Personal Fashion!



Street Fashion has some of the most unique styling concepts ever seen! Street Fashion or as I like to call it, “Free Fashion”, is something I truly admire.  It’s unique to the person wearing it and that’s what I love the most. It’s like a work of art in a museum; it’s there to look at, not replicate. Street Fashion should be admired not copied. There’s a fine line between being “inspired” and being a downright copycat. It’s the way you look at things really. Some think it’s flattering, while others think it’s unoriginal. You rarely find copy cats in street style. That’s because of 3 things; the person, product, and the exposure.

The person directly contributes to the essence of fashion. Let’s be real, some street fashion is only suitable for the person wearing it. There background, history, lifestyle, or just anything can be attributed to someone’s personal style.  One might even call it “personality style”. Usually street style fashion is worn by creative individuals or eclectic people. All I’m saying is being true to your personality is a key part of looking unique. True style starts from the inside then out, remember that!

The clothing should really stand out. Now, one thing I notice frequently is the unique items worn in street fashion. The clothes are usually one of a kind or high quality designer wear. Truly unique fashion starts in a thrift store, or Neiman Marcus. I chose Neiman’s because that’s the common spot for luxury wear, but Saks Fifth Avenues or any other high end retailer should do. Boutiques are great too; you’ll definitely find one of kind goodies. I’ve seen street fashion in which they combine both. If your entire wardrobe comes from the mall ya might not be able to create a unique non replicated look. I’m not saying street style can’t be purchased in the mall, but I’m just saying mass produced items tend to get replicated looks. Honestly, true street fashion is best when it’s as unique as possible.

And finally, the exposure! How else can the world see the fabulous world of street fashion without photographers hitting the pavement hard during events like Fashion Weeks, Trade Shows, etc? Of course street fashion is everywhere all year round, but the fashion events are the best times to see bloggers flock together from far and wide.  They’re a photographers dream come true. They snap photographs of them right before they attend ceremonies, shows, and even photo shoots.

Street fashion is always exciting and ever changing. You just never know what you’ll see, at the park, downtown, on the streets, or where ever.  They’re like Faberge eggs or Pokémon gotta collect them all.


Image and Enlightenment!


We often wonder how people who are truly fashionable manage to dress so effortlessly. As for who you consider fashionable, that’s completely subjective. Whatever your taste level, something collectively sparks in each of us that makes us think,” Wow that looks great”. Stylish people don’t dress for praise. They just happen to get noticed for expressing themselves, which for them comes naturally. But how does style come naturally to them? If you admire someone’s personal style think to yourself “why is that”? Is it really what they’re wearing? Honestly can you picture yourself wearing that outfit on your body? I can truthfully say that almost 50% of the fashion I’ve seen and absolutely loved, I would never wear. I’m not saying that if you admire someone’s style, you should want to wear it yourself, that’s not necessarily true. What I’m saying is that the hidden truth of why you might like it is that you actually admire the person. You might admire the freeness of the individual, to wear whatever he/she wants without conforming to any “fashion rule”.

When you seek to develop your personal style, the first thing you have to do is start from the inside out. Never look outward, because that can drastically sway your TRUE views of what fashion is. Close your minds to the outside fashion world meaning don’t flip through the magazines until you develop an eye for YOUR own personal style. There are social pressures that create misguided views of what’s acceptable in fashion. Understanding yourself is more difficult than you think. It can shock you in many ways. The movies you like, the books you’ve read, and even your extracurricular activities, can heavily dictate your fashion sense.

As an admirer of Street Fashion, I’m fascinated by the overwhelming talent I’ve seen online and even in my own city. It’s my passion for street style that has given me the motivation to research and seek understanding the who, what, where, when and why of it all. Now and then I will share with you my thoughts on street style. The focus of my site is Street Fashion/Style, but my interest accompanying it will be Organic Living. I believe they both go hand and hand. Street Fashion is paving the way for new fashion icons of the world and I see green living getting more and more popular as the days go.

Simply put, I’m always eager to hear from you. Your comments and thoughts greatly impact the material of my site. It’s important for you to express your opinion, so please never hesitate to leave your feedback.   I’ll be setting up my news letter soon. Until then, feel free to follow me on bloglovin’ and like my facebook page ;)


Take Care.


How do you define “Sacrifice”?


The word ‘Sacrifice’ has many meanings. The most popular definition of the word is:

“The surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim” –

I have a problem with this word when people use it in correlation to achieving their goals. When people say I have to sacrifice this or that, it puts a negative connotation on something that is considered a significant cause. Putting something off that is of less importance shouldn’t be considered a sacrifice. Fun is short term, and so are certain material things. If you decide to save money for a new car instead of buying a dress, then that’s considered a smart decision for your long term goals. Feel proud that you can stick to the steps needed to achieve what you want, and not be distracted. When the term sacrifice comes into play that’s never good. The definition of the word to me is negative. The very words you say have power. When you use a negative word to describe  something positive, it reverses the positive result of what you want. Focus on the positive in everything you do so you can generate the good vibes needed to achieve your goals. Refuse to acknowledge words like can’t and sacrifice because none of these words should be relevant in your future endeavors.

If you know of any other words to avoid in pursuing positive goals, please comment below and share them with others.

Till next time ;)

Clear Your Mind!

My goal for gardening is to be able to create an environment that will help me to relax and clear my mine. I want to build a kind of sanctuary in my back yard (when I get my house) so that I can escape the busy every day hustle and bustle. Gardening is something I’ve always loved, so to be able to grow my own food and create my own paradise is a plus for me. I suggest this for everyone. Maybe not a garden, but create a space where you can clear your mind. It should be clean and filled with everything you love… not like, but LOVE! Whether it be a garden, or a room with pictures of your loved ones, be sure to make it 100% your comfort get away. If finding your own space isn’t possible, then a simple walk in a beautiful park among nature could do the trick. Clearing your mind makes a world of difference. It’s calming and can help clear your mind of stress.

What other methods could one use to be at ease? Comment Below ;)


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