Starting over πŸ’‹…

The theme of 2020-2021 for me is starting over. There’s been so many new advents in my life that has caused me to start over mentally and just life wise; literally from scratch. There were times that I didn’t think I could survive, and take care of myself on my own, but that proved to be not true. I can definitely make it on my own and power through any difficult time in my life. We all have them, and what I find works is to just hold on; keep pushing no matter what. This is the time for everyone to step back and really assess where their future is heading, in all facets of life. Me, I have thrown out the old plan, simply because it just doesn’t and never had worked for me. The way things should be and are will always clash. Putting up and maintaining an image that is what people expect is never a good idea. What I’m saying is, the key to having a happy life, in my opinion, is to be authentic to yourself. You must stand your ground and be true to who you are. Me? I’m a fashion writer. I write fashion related content, and I create fashion focused novels and books. At best I’m an author, and I don’t know if the books I write will always be fashion focused, because the ideas keep popping into my head. Book after book idea keeps flowing to me and I can no longer deny that what will make me the happiest is finding a way to do what I love everyday: making others happy, and writing. So maybe no one has taken my path before, who have done things exactly the way I have… but there’s a first time for everything. ;)

Plans for April… πŸŒΈβ›ˆπŸŒ·

2021 is three months old, and there’s so much change to adjust too. For me, sticking to my deadlines have been the priority. I’m so cautious of starting new projects, and unless I know my deadline specifically, I don’t take them on. As a freelance writer and tech engineer, I understand fully how important it is to start and finish in a timely manner. I don’t care about writing fast, I care more about producing a product that I and the client is proud of. So with that said, I’M GETTING STARTED; planning my month, and staying inspired!

Wonderful Day πŸ˜ƒ!

Alright, nothing fashion related right now. Just having a wonderful day and hoping you all are too. πŸ˜‹ Oh also, now that my schedule is a bit more organized for the new year, I will try to post at least three times a week. It could be fashion related, or just something related to a project I’m pursuing.

The countdown…

So… What countdown am I referring to? Well this is my birthday month, and this birthday will be a milestone for me. I’ll be 40. I thought I would feel different; I don’t. I feel the exact same as I did for every birthday; regular. Am I happy? I can honestly say I am. I feel more empowered then ever before. Wait… I can say this; I’ve changed in reference to appearance. I’ve decided to upgrade my clothing quality, but that’s it. I’m still quirky bombshell. I’ve grown spiritually too… definitely. I got to step back and reflect on my life, and see certain habits that I need to stop or start for the betterment of my future. I’m finishing book manuscripts, and set to move to a new state this summer. So yeah, exciting times.

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