It’s HERE!!

I’m proud to say that my first novel is finished. Door to California is available for pre-order. This book was drafted in 2014 and put down; that’s why the image above is different from the one on Amazon. I just recently, at the beginning of the year, decided to complete it. Finishing what I start is detrimental. The experience I’ve gained from writing a novel, and working with an editor is absolutely empowering. Door to California evolved with every edit. The effort that went into making this novel was exhausting, and truly a labor of love. It has definitely inspired me to create more, and with every book created, gives me motivation and wisdom for the next. I’m so excited! Pick up your copy today!

Fashion inspiration during Covid!

Alright, I want to discuss something that I feel very passionate about; second hand sustainable clothing. Painters use tools like brushes and colors to express their creative visions. Me? I use clothing… used clothing. I was recently given insight on a certain Goodwill in Virginia that I absolutely must visit. My mind swirled with the ideas and potential of this store to help me create my own personal looks. I’m always excited when a new branch of GOODWILL opens up. A newbie GOODWILL has the most fabulous gently used pieces. There are certain ones I frequent in my city that always have the best items for my taste, then there are those that fall short of fabulocity in a matter of months. Or maybe I just visit certain ones on an off day, idk. All I know is I love the hunt. During Covid times, it’s best to keep your spirits high, and occupy your mind with thoughts that make you feel good. Fashion makes me feel good. Even when I’m not buying it, I’m writing about it. Find ways to express yourself, no matter what.

In the pursuit of fashion…

The post previously was in regards to keeping motivated. This one is to elaborate on that. Stores are starting to open up again, but instead of focusing on what you can’t do, lets do the opposite. In times like these all that matters is that you feel good. During the early stages of the pandemic, people had no choice but to focus INWARD. I decided to amp up my writing and research during those times. That lead me to ART. I had no real purpose to go past the topical focuses of fashion ( the finished product), until now. I started looking into watercolors and various creative illustration books, (anime, cartoon, creative sketching,.etc). This charged my motivation in fashion. I anticipate what new idea’s and innovations come about due to this unprecedented time. Remember what I said; the MINDSET is detrimental at this time. Seeing fashion in it’s basic form helped me remember that most of the great works of art are created with less that what we have now. When we are reduced to the minimal basic necessities, and forced to deal with limitations: THAT is when magic happens. We tap into our most creative avenues and become greater than we could have ever imagined! So, as part of my series to help keep motivated with fashion, I suggest you dive into it’s origins. You may be surprised with what you discover. Not just about fashion but your own creative junctures.

Fashion Inspiration During a Pandemic…

It’s important for you to know that regardless of how the world is on the outside, your mindset is what will keep you safe. I’m not talking about just thinking happy thoughts, but actually being motivated. Fashion during a pandemic is rough, because everything associated with it is social: fashion shows(limited seating), meetups, festivals and so on. For now, that’s done. It’s time to focus on how you’ll keep motivated to participate in fashion. Shopping is the most obvious solution, but why not create? Learn something new and apply it to fashion. Learn to sew something other than a mask. Why not design fabric patterns? Restore something old; like a purse, then give it a modern twist. Those are all great examples.

In a time like this, you should strive to CREATE. So, what am I doing you ask? Learning tech, but also fashion sketching! It’s something that I’ve always wanted to hone. I have color pencils, and water colors that I have yet to use because I was never inspired to invest the time. Well, this pandemic is the perfect time to invest in something new. Not just clothes, but a talent in YOU!

The Fashion Survival Guide: COVID-19

Since March of 2020, the world has been impacted by COVID-19…obviously. The “New Norm” has taken it’s toll on every aspect in all industries. Let’s talk about Fashion, or what’s left of it. Needless to say, there are virtually no projects thriving due to COVID-19. According to WWD; photoshoots in the form of group ad campaigns have been canceled. That word continues to pulsate throughout fashion: CANCELED. Most fashion weeks have been canceled or have limited seating, til further notice. Not that I’m too disappointed; I’ve never been invited to an official one…yet. By the looks of it, I won’t be invited anytime soon. I’m not too bothered though, because the area of fashion I thrive in the most is digital. Fashion Writing is what I do, so due to everything going on, writers have been more in demand.

Which now raises my concerns about whether fashion will thrive solely on digitality. YES I invented a word: DIGITALITY that’s focusing on the status of belonging to a particular format of communicating technological wise… fashions digitalness. Let’s face it, fashion has always been more fun in the physical world. The brick and mortar stores are barely holding on. They struggled before hand and now it seems worse. I went into a well-known retail chain the other day; not gonna say which one, but it rhymes with smicktoria ekret. Half the store was on sale! And they’re not the only ones. Is fashion in trouble? No! Not if WE have anything to do with it. By we, I mean the ones who work in fashion AND who love it. Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce to you The Quirky Bombshell Fashion Guide to Surviving COVID-19! The title is a bit long so I’ll shorten it and get straight to the point. I’ll be making a series of posts dedicated to helping you get through this detrimental time in fashion. The subjects will be geared towards inspiration, and methods to dealing with the new fashion norm. I’ll keep you posted…Literally ;)

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