Thoughts on being and author…

Becoming an author was something that happened over time. Working freelance and writing fashion related content exclusively helped me cultivate my personality as a writer. Don’t get me wrong, my passion is writing and I do that naturally. I can write about anything, but what gets my creative juices flowing is Fashion. I’m happy to say that it never came a time that I had to chose either or. Creating content around fashion in the form of a book seemed only natural and served as a creative outlet for all the stories swirling around in my head. In no way do I want to become wooden in terms of what an author is. I will say one thing though. My books aren’t the only thing that will be cultivated by fashion. I will also be the walking embodiment of it. By it I mean both, an author and fashion enthusiast.


Fashion & Future?

There are so many issues at hand. The world of fashion is the last thing on anyone’s mind, right? According to news sources, this world issue is sure to bankrupt quite a few fashion businesses. With so many people shopping exclusively for essentials, it’s no wonder the industry is shaking in its boots. Instead of worrying about whether clothing will sell in the foreseeable future, designers should be ushering in the new age of fashion. Yes, planning to create fashion for shoppers with a renewed mindset of what matters should be the goal. What can we expect fashion to look like when the world recovers from this worldwide issue? What has the world learned from being forced to look from within?

We all need a more positive focus regarding fashion. When the smoke settles, and people are more confident to get back into the world, there will most certainly be a surge in fashion sales. The stir crazy vibes will invoke the urge to do retail therapy and inspire more social events. Shopping is a recreational activity believe it or not. People will veer towards clothing that radiate energy and life. Bright colors, minimal designs, and eclectic patterns will resonate well with the public especially the millennials. What we all can expect to learn from this world issue is how important it is the value what matters in life. There is more to life than fashion, that’s true, fashion is just icing on the cake.


This is now my personal space on the Internet. :P I have finally come to terms with not needing to have any specific focus. I just want to post my thoughts and anything else I find interesting. I use to have my writing work posted in a very cleverly organized portfolio. Now I will be adding a different portfolio, but related more to Fashion Styling. I will also be adding a section where I’ll be posting my books. Yes! I am ready to get these books out of my head and on to paper. Not just stories and novels, but just my perspective of fashion in general. This time has really allowed me to reflect and look inward. There are so many projects that I want to finish, and even books I want to read for fun. I decided to just stop putting things off and just do IT! Not just that, but my tech endeavors. Yes, I am close to finishing my portfolio. It’s very challenging, but I love every second! That’s it for now. I can’t continue to let a perfectly good website go to waste. I am Neka, the quirky bombshell writer extraordinaire!

Fashion Promises and Criticisms

There’s such a demand for SEO product marketing in terms of beauty and fashion. Some products sell themselves while others need a bit of a boost. Some products call for little to no effort to introduce or promote them in. With so many options everywhere, how can companies be sure that they’re products are being seen? The answer isn’t apparent right away. TIME is the only factor that determines whether or not a marketing project results in some kind of conversion. The key is to have patience. Companies spend thousands, sometimes millions on marketing in fashion. Keeping it simple produces the best results. To be a great fashion writer, you have to capture the essence of the product, moment, or movement of the subject. Invoke the senses, and inspire; That’s what gets results!

New York’s Black OUT!

Recently, (yesterday) New York City, the most fashion-forward city in America, went through a blackout. It happened in Manhatten and lasted for hours. Eventually, the electric services were up and working. Still, that had to be very shocking. Now, I know you may be wondering what the blackout has to do with fashion. Did the blackout effect business for retailers throughout New York? Maybe. Surprisingly customers don’t have an issue shopping in the dark. Of course, for legal reasons they were probably told to leave, which does affect sales. My first-hand experience of a blackout in retail was stressful. One interesting thing to note is that our customers were not phased. Nope; they simply used the flashlight on their phones, and continued to shop. Witnessing this allowed me to see first hand how impactful fashion is in society. Interestingly enough, fashion is an industry that thrives during recessions. Ever heard of “Retail Therapy”? It’s real! The fashion industry will always be one of the most lucrative and impactful of all the industries. Again, it’s up to us, the consumer. It is up to us to make sure fashion benefits the earth and society as a whole. Sustainable is the way to go!

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