Being Selective with Neutrals…

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Lets talk about actually selecting neutral clothing. First take note of the loafers in the picture with the highlighted seams. Isn’t that an interesting way to pick up an otherwise boring white shoe? Details, details, details people…they matter. Neutral colors are…well…neutral, but they don’t have to LOOK plain. Look at the collar and the way it ripples then flows smoothly down to the waist. The bag looks sleek too. I think the combination of the two really make a style statement. The design and construction takes this look to a whole new level. When shopping for neutral clothing, don’t just focus on traditional silhouettes; instead think outside the box and buy creative cuts or patterns. There are ways to be expressive and still maintain your own style statement. Again with the silhouettes; notice the three models in the upper right of the picture. The gathering effect of the gray outfit creates a relaxed formal look. The cinched waist on the model to the right of her softens up the otherwise square silhouette. Another thing, be careful with the gray colors; they have a tendency to look a little too “hard”. Remember to incorporate softer shades if possible, or at least a feminine silhouette. Pink and grey maybe? Sweet ;)

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