Fashion Inspiration During a Pandemic…

It’s important for you to know that regardless of how the world is on the outside, your mindset is what will keep you safe. I’m not talking about just thinking happy thoughts, but actually being motivated. Fashion during a pandemic is rough, because everything associated with it is social: fashion shows(limited seating), meetups, festivals and so on. For now, that’s done. It’s time to focus on how you’ll keep motivated to participate in fashion. Shopping is the most obvious solution, but why not create? Learn something new and apply it to fashion. Learn to sew something other than a mask. Why not design fabric patterns? Restore something old; like a purse, then give it a modern twist. Those are all great examples.
In a time like this, you should strive to CREATE. So, what am I doing you ask? Learning tech, but also fashion sketching! It’s something that I’ve always wanted to hone. I have color pencils, and water colors that I have yet to use because I was never inspired to invest the time. Well, this pandemic is the perfect time to invest in something new. Not just clothes, but a talent in YOU!