Let Them EAT CAKE!!!


I can’t tell you how often people ask me questions about how to dress. What does that mean exactly? Dressing is easy…styling is not! I still have problems in that area myself. It’s all about knowing who you are really. When it comes to fashion, understanding who you are and knowing your voice is extremely important. It’ll help you when you’re shopping AND especially if you decide to hire a stylist. Now for my confession… Hi My Name is Neka a.k.a The Quirky Bombshell, and I don’t know what to wear. I have trouble dressing o.k.? I’m a fashion editor who has trouble finding what she wants to wear. I hate shopping at the mall; for some reason I get headaches when I do. I love the thrift store because I can “create works of art” so to speak, with clothing. I feel like I bring new life to fashion by creating my unique looks. My style has definitely developed over the years. The only thing I have a problem with is dealing with stupid people. Rude people who give their opinions when no one asks. I’ve seen people wear things that I don’t like, but never would I make rude remarks, tell THEM what looks good, or just be negative. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced trying to express themselves by looking the way they want, but then having to deal with ignorant folks. Maybe it’s a southern thing? I have friends who live in the south who don’t like what I wear so they give their criticism, but I just can’t help but to laugh. When I went to New York, so many people dressed with freedom and wore whatever they wanted. I love that City by the way….Literally love at first site. It’s the fashion capitol of America after all, but that’s not the only reason I love it. The people there are focused. They didn’t live there to play around, they wanna make Sh*t happen! They don’t have time to care about what anyone is wearing, so therefore you can wear what you want! No one cares, and that in a sense is freedom. Look, I don’t care what people think of me, but I don’t tolerate disrespect. I WILL defend myself, and that is something that I don’t feel I should have to do. This could be a part of why I feel discouraged to express my real fashionable self. It’s just a matter of me shrugging it off I guess. People can be so close minded in Atlanta. If you don’t look like every other black woman they’re use to you get ridiculed. It’s o.k. though… I have to set an example, so I WILL express my style and my passion the way I see fit! Whoever doesn’t like, understand, or agree with it…well… let them eat Cake! They can all eat shit I mean CAKE! ;)

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