New York’s Black OUT!

Recently, (yesterday) New York City, the most fashion-forward city in America, went through a blackout. It happened in Manhatten and lasted for hours. Eventually, the electric services were up and working. Still, that had to be very shocking. Now, I know you may be wondering what the blackout has to do with fashion. Did the blackout effect business for retailers throughout New York? Maybe. Surprisingly customers don’t have an issue shopping in the dark. Of course, for legal reasons they were probably told to leave, which does affect sales. My first-hand experience of a blackout in retail was stressful. One interesting thing to note is that our customers were not phased. Nope; they simply used the flashlight on their phones, and continued to shop. Witnessing this allowed me to see first hand how impactful fashion is in society. Interestingly enough, fashion is an industry that thrives during recessions. Ever heard of “Retail Therapy”? It’s real! The fashion industry will always be one of the most lucrative and impactful of all the industries. Again, it’s up to us, the consumer. It is up to us to make sure fashion benefits the earth and society as a whole. Sustainable is the way to go!

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