From the east to the west coast, ideals on what is trending in style may vary. Los Angeles has a style comparable to none.

From the east to the west coast, ideals on what is trending in style may vary. Los Angeles has a style comparable to none.
Elaine Biss is a professional feminine illustrator whose work has been featured in many marketing spectrums.
he holiday season is here and so are office parties, family functions, and any other excuse you can imagine to buy a dress. Now, the tricky part is finding a look that suits you to a tee. Outlined in this article are methods to finding the perfect holiday dress!
Fashion is constantly changing. Whether it’s clothes, shoes, accessories, or makeup; fashion continues to head beaming for the future…or is it? For Autumn/Winter 2013 and 2014, most of the trends seem to be going backwards. Designs that have been featured on the catwalk this year emulate the 50’s 60’s and even 80’s style.
Society has always put unnecessary pressure on women. So many women feel at a disadvantage in their life due to misconceptions about their weight, age, and their overall position in the world. magazine understands the need for change. We believe that all women should feel confident and sexy in their own skin.