First Book Survival…😡🀯😎

You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into (lol). Just when you thought you could just MAKE a book. I don’t care how much research you do; you’re going to experience things that will test your will. Publishing your first book will be a process filled with minor or major mess ups, but that’s fine. It’s supposed to happen. I”m not talking to the authors who have about $2000 (or more) to shell out on their first publication. I’m talking to self-publishing authors who, no matter what, will share their vision…their gift with the world. And you should; let nothing stop you, not even your own self-doubt. But please understand that if you’re doing this alone, do not approach the process as if it’s no difficult feat. From editing, to publishing, to final upload, and so on. You’ll want to be prepared, or else you are sure to waste loads of time and energy for a product that could have at least been decent. I will be writing a series of posts that will only be accessible to people with a FREE membership to my site after; so sign up! I will make the first post (FBS Post 1: Editing) public. After that, only subscribers will access to the other posts in the series. 

In this series of blog posts, I’ll share the personal trials and tribulations of publishing my first book as examples for you to not make the same mistakes I did. Complete your book without loosing time, money, and creating a low quality product. I’ll help you through the basics of getting your work out there in a presentable manor, and even discuss the costs realities associated with publishing for the first time. There’s a lot of misconceptions out there that give authors a false sense of independence when it comes to certain aspects; like creating your own this or that without fully understanding what goes into it. All that and more! just sign up and we’ll get started. You’ll receive email notifications of new posts, and be in the know on how to be the best self-published author from the ground up. See you soon!

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Stop Writing for Free…πŸ™…πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ’ΈπŸ€‘

Yes, I did it. As a freelance writer, and entrepreneurial creative; I dare suggest to someone who has a natural gift, not to share it for free? Yes indeed. Don’t get it twisted, my suggestion isn’t coming from a place of ranting or bitterness. I’m talking to you as a fellow gifted individual who has given %100 percent, time after time; until one day I realized that my energies were better suited for people who respect it…TIME IS MONEY! Remember who told you this; I’m not the first to proclaim it, just another person reiterating. Time is a currency, and you should actually be assessing your fees and projects based on it. I’m not talking to the people who just want to make a quick buck. I’m talking to the person who truly invests personal time and energy in their own right, to produce QUALITY work.Β 

I’m speaking to the individual who uses their talent to sooth their soul, and ever since they were children, used their talent as an outlet for when life really took it’s toll on them.

I am a writer! I’ve been doing it for free all my life, ever since I was able to pick up a pencil. Journals after journals, it wasn’t just a hobby for me, it was life. That’s the free writing you should do; the training and test that you’re truly in love with what you do…that was free!Β  Now others noticed, then I started to share my gift with them.

You don’t have to struggle for your gift. That starving artist sh*t is passe’. Do you know what happens when you’re a creative writer, artist, designer or whatever who doesn’t charge for their work? I’ll tell you what; other people take it, sell it, and get paid what YOU should have gotten. That can’t be a good feeling. I experienced that first hand, and had no one to blame but myself, because I failed to realize my worth. Whatever lack of confidence, you have is something you’ve got to get over. I don’t want any creative freelancer to be taken advantaged of in order to know their worth. Now wait; don’t go charging ridiculous rates when you just started as a rookie. You have to earn that rate, and push yourself. But if you’ve been cultivating and doing what you do for a while, then please stop writing for free.

There are so many ways to stop writing for Free. I’ll be creating a series of blog posts on how to make real money as a writer by going niche. It’s best now, to have a focus, and not be a jack of all trades, but master of none. These posts will only be available to people who subscribe to my site, so please sign up, and get some real insight from a freelancer who knows… that would be me.

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Blog Posts or No?…✍🏾🎭 πŸ™…πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

There’s always a reason for writing. My motivation is the stories that I make into novels, or a client paying me. For writing I do for myself; I just don’t feel inspired. Sometimes when I do write blog posts, I feel as if I’m  writing to air; like just posting to post. I decided that if I’m going to post, then it has to be for a purpose. I have other Social Media accounts where I share personal creative posts. For now, I feel that if I’m taking up space on the web, it might has well be for a good reason. I want people to come to my site not just to know about me, but to help themselves. My books are available on Amazon, and I’ve linked them thoroughly in my books section. But for now I’m just tired of paying for site space and it not being of any use, but for me to ramble on about my day or some epiphany. So here I will post on how to do what I do; Make Money as a Niche Freelance Writer, and How to be an Author. Maybe someone will get something out of this. I don’t have time or money to waste, and I’m sure you don’t either. Let’s start using both to help each other thrive. Thanks πŸ˜‰ 

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Author Trials and Tribulations…πŸ˜€πŸ˜…

Writing a book is fun. No really, it’s lots of fun…the editing is what will make you want to just throw everything into the fireplace. It is such a labor of love, but if you do make it, in the end, it’s worth it. You’ll have made something that will stand the test of time, and be there for future readers to enjoy. It feels good to complete a project, but dealing with the constant anxiety of something not going right will make you crazy. Perfection isn’t the key here, it’s commitment. Follow through no matter what. Usually, the thing you fear the most when writing a book, is probably the least of your worries. Stand strong in your vision, and (this may sound cheesy) follow your heart. Trust your instincts. When working with people, be sure to control everything. At the end of the process, you’re the one who should be comfortable with the end product. I’ll write more about my “adventures in book writing,” and mistakes (because I’ve made them for sure); but it’s ok. Everything is a learning process, so failing isn’t an issue. Learn and keep pressing on. As for me, I have many many more novels to write. The ideas come to me regularly, so I have my own method of doing manuscripts and even how I work with my editor. Obsessing over every little detail just stunts progress and hurts your confidence as a writer. So many people never write a book, or finish because of things they’re worrying about that slows them down or stops them all together. Come on folks…get it together…Finish that book!

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Looking the Part πŸ’…πŸΏ 😎 🀩 …

Yes friends…it’s time to pretty up. As a fashion writer and author, it’s imperative for me to look the part. Aside from battling anxiety when finishing books, or tackling a tough final edit; I do invest in living up to the Quirky Bombshell name. I love second hand shopping; Goodwill and the like. Creating fashionable looks is a joy for me to do. I like the hunt of finding something unique and one of a kind. I dare to venture to New York City, and shop in their thrift stores; don’t wanna lose my mind, but it is the fashion capitol after all. It’s such a thing though… and by thing I mean 😣 😀 πŸ˜“ stress; trying to get everything together, organizing, and getting it just right. I have to let go of the fact that sometimes, you won’t find exactly what you want or need. Just wear what you have and keep it moving…but I digress…😏, no, not really. lol! 😘 

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