Popular KEY Items for October 2014…

Popular Key Items October 001

Popular Key Items for October 001



There are a couple of patterns that I’ve observed to be rising slowly but surly up the fashion top 10 must have list for the season. I’ve mentioned before that the grid pattern designs will be trending. I saw a lot of it for spring 2015, not so much Fall 2014. Still, I don’t care, I’ve seen the grid pattern in menswear and fitted dresses for women as of late. Trench coats with the grid pattern are hard to come by, but if you see it please snatch one for me too…(kidding). Also The grid pattern is monochromatic, but I love a little color here and there. For winter you’ll see more black and white, but spring/summer 2015, there will be grid patterns in a variety of colors combined with floral mosaic prints. Also checker print blouses seem to be popping up everywhere. Styling them is easy, it’s all about what fabric designs you combine them with. Denim is the go to, but don’t be afraid to coordinate checker patterns with some kind of conversational print. Polk-a-dots are pretty popular now a days, but in small dainty patterns. Skirts and dresses look better with the bigger Polk-a-Dots but beware of looking too 1950’s kitsch. According to fashion trend forecasters, sequin is the new Polk-a-dots, but that’s completely up to the wearer.  Stripes will definitely be a hot commodity. Chopped stripped patterns, swirled stripes, and just any manipulated stripes will be popular for fall and spring. A lot of these trends are trans-seasonal which is great! Then Finally conversational prints (which are my favs) will have their moment in the spotlight again this fall. Cartoons, birds, cars, cats; you name it, as long as it’s on fabric your good to go *lol*.  That’s it for now. These Key items are versatile and will last through the season, so have fun with them. :)

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