Creative Blocks…

Creative Block

Hello people,

I had to post this because a great inspiration came over me after talking to a loved one. I was feeling discouraged. Well you know what? After my little pep talk I felt grounded again, and decided to write. All the things I’m hesitant about; I had to tell myself to just SHUT UP AND WRITE. Anything!!!

It’s like Gwen Stefani’s song “What You Waiting For?” I can totally relate, because as a creative person sometimes you feel squeezed out like a sponge! All the people working with you or for you just want more more more and you’re like “Hello!?! It’s got to come to me”! Creativity is not like a faucet, you actually have to think and concentrate because it represents you.  Creative people need an outlet too. So, that’s what this site will serve as too. Quinn Couture will also be a hub for creative people… O.k? This is just the beginning! Now, the only advice I can give to my fellow creative geniuses (artist, designers, writers, musicians, poets, etc.) TAKE A CHANCE YOU STUPID HOE! Like Gwen says :) When you feel stumped or uninspired just do something! It’s gonna be great because it came from your mind and heart.

O.K. done

Comment and tell me what you think.



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