What Models Need to Walk in Fashion Week!


Models are essential in the fashion world.  There are over 80 key modeling agencies in all the top fashion cities. During Fashion Week, designers are given at least 2 or 3 thousand models to choose from for one show! What should a model have in order to get chosen? Aspiring models, listen up! Here is what you need to make it to fashion week. First is…

1.  A Good Agency or Manager

In case you thought you’d be able to walk through the doors of Dior headquarters and announce that you’re the next best thing, think again! You must be highly represented. As a model, you should always shoot for the best agencies trending now. The reality is that only high status fashion houses share models, and they’re usually the cream of the crop. You can easily be in that selection, but your agency has to be well known and socially connected.

2. That “IT” Factor

Whether you’re a model, or a teacher, everyone has that thing about them that makes them stand out. If you’re competing in an agency with hundreds or even thousands of models, you must find that thing about YOU that’s truly unique. Is it your voice, accent, gap in your front teeth, exotic looks, big Nose? Whatever “IT” is own it! Here’s a hint: Anything you were made fun of in grade school for in terms of looks, a quirky personality, or even confidence could be your “IT” factor.

3. Great Physique

Models in great physical shape are definitely a must. Just because you’re thin doesn’t mean you’re good to go. Casting agents do want to see some tone in your muscles. They also consider skin condition as a deciding factor. Unless the designer calls for it, scars can make or break your chances. Models are aesthetic workers, so your body and even personality are seen as products for merchandise exchange. The Fashion houses are all about showcasing their work in the best way possible. That’s their main concern.

4. A Good Word Through the Grapevine!

 Being socially popular on facebook or twitter can make an enormous difference in your desirability. Find creative ways to get noticed. Get a YouTube account and make videos like “Day in the life of a model” or something clever like that. There is sure to be a broad audience interested in you for one reason or another. The power of the people is remarkable, and sometimes can override all the things mentioned before. The industry relies on word of mouth or references, so make yourself the talk of the town. Note: your reputation can make or break you too, be sure your conduct on social media puts you in a good light.

These four tips are sure to give you a strong chance to walk the runway for fashion week. No matter what, a positive attitude and persistence will conquer all. You might get tons of NOs but you only need ONE YES.

So Good Luck :) You’ll make it!

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